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March 25, 2008

Spring Break 08!

Spring Break time - a college students nirvana. After the start of a long spring semester, nothing is better than a pre-summer beach trip. This spring break, I decided to head to Perdido Key, Florida for a nice relaxing trip with some of my best friends. Of those friends, is Mr. KC Gordon who you see to the right in the picture. KC is a perfect example of how living on campus your freshman year can lead to lasting friendships. He and I met during freshman Spanish but soon realized that we lived right across the hall from each other. Now he is one of my closest friends, and I felt it was only appropriate to put him on the blog and give him a little shout out (and because Momma Gordon was going to kill me if she didn't start seeing her son on here. Just Kidding. PS: Great cookies Momma Gordon. Thank you so much!)

It has been a while since I wrote last, and I apologize. This semester has been considerably more stressful and busy that I expected. Normally it's because I'm taking 17 hours of chemistry classes and labs, but this semester has been difficult because I'm graduating and searching for internships and making sure that I have everything ready to apply for Dental School. I'm only taking 13 hours, which still hasn't been a cake walk, but I am also taking this Kaplan prep course for my DAT (Dental Admissions Test). This class is intense! It meets twice a week for three hours, and there is a lot of pre-homework and post-homework! I can't complain though because the class is doing a great job of reminding me about biology and chemistry that I haven't seen since freshman year of college.

I have a huge biochemistry test Wednesday so I am about to go meet with my study group to start working on it right now. I'll let you know how it goes. Expect more blogs coming soon. Until then, Stay Classy Readers.

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